Friday, June 30, 2017

Dining Room Completion...maybe

I've been searching for the perfect rug for the dining room for forever! I've even brought ones home that I thought might work, but in-situ just didn't look right, so I've had to return them. When I saw this on Instagram I thought it was PERFECT, but it took me ages to track one down.

This is actually an outdoor rug which will work perfectly under a dining table cause it will be easy to clean and the pattern works fab with the artwork on the wall.

I'd like to say this completes the space, but I have my eye on a little mid-century tea trolley I saw on an antiques site but haven't been able to get hold of. It will need restoration, but would look so, so amazing in the corner.

In the meantime, I'm so, so, so happy with the rug.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Swiss Cheese Plant!

I FINALLY got my hands on a monsteria deliciosa, aka SWISS CHEESE PLANT!! These little suckers are really hard to get hold of at the moment and when you do, they're often really expensive. I saw quite a few in James Street, but they were all $70 plus. Jam that!

I got these from a local wholesaler that sells direct to the public but I had to wait 3 weeks for it to come in. It was only $25 though and I split it between these two pots.

They're currently sitting next to the Marrimekko canvas, but it will need a new home as it's in the middle of the hall. I have no idea where it's going to go though, there's so many indoor plants in the house now that each room has about 3 plants, including the bathroom.

Bad Karina. Bad girl.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Yaay - new work boots!!

Karina Roberts Steel Blue Steel Cap Workboots

My new steel cap work boots have arrived today. HUZZAH!! These are Steel Blue Argyle and seriously the lightest, most comfy work boots I've ever had. I LOOOOVE them!! They've arrived just in time cause I have a ton of bricks (I'm not even joking) in the backyard that I have to move by next week.