Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 16 - A few more bricks

I came back from holidays in North Queensland yesterday and went straight to site to check on the progress. It's been 6 days since I last saw the house but there's been a weekend and public holiday since then so there's really only been 3 working days.

It looks like the retaining walls for the slab for the garage and the portico are almost finished. It already looks so high, especially compared to the lowset houses on each side. The top of the bricks has already lined up with the floor level on the house next door and there's still another 700mm to go up to my first floor.

It will be a tower and dwarf the houses on either side. This isn't the look I was after. I tried to fight the Council to make it LOWER (I know, usually people are fighting Council to go HIGHER). In my case, they wanted me to go 700mm higher so the first level was "flood free" and the extra reinforcing, engineering and materials added another $27K to my costs. My argument was that going up 700mm wouldn't have made the lower floor any more flood free, it would still have flooded in the same circumstances, it's just instead of flooding to the ceiling, it would have flooded to the windows. No difference and the additional height looks out of place in the streetscape. I lost that battle though and so here is the start of my very high home.

It still gives me butterflies though ;-) .

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